Friday, September 7, 2012

Week of September 3 - September 9: #1

It is obvious that when it comes to assumptions, people make a lot of them. It is not something we as humans can control; in fact, I feel as if we were built to make them. If there was a man in my class who was known to steal things and a classmate (coincidentally) had her wallet stolen, an assumption would be that the man stole it. Because of his reputation, most people would think of the person who is mostly like to do such things. We may also tell ourselves to stay away or watch our bags when we are near this person. Do we know for sure that he stole her wallet? No. It is easy to point the blame on the man who is known for stealing. It is possible that he DID do it, but it is also possible that any other person in the class did it. I believe that Sherlock Holmes is saying that it is difficult to get to the real facts after being influenced by opinions and rumors. We are so affected by rumors that we think we have an idea of someone before we even meet the person.


  1. I agree with you on how it's hard to find out the truth after you've heard a whole bunch of other peoples' opinions. Those opinions could be just from judgements because the person is not well liked or they have a certain reputation. With the scenario you made up, I also had a similar story that happened with my friend and her phone, except she blamed a girl that she didn't like. She had no reason to blame her, she wasn't known for stealing or anything, but it's just because she wasn't liked, my friend thought it was her. Assumptions can start a lot of unnecessary drama and possibly end friendships.

  2. Hi A,

    I agree that it is hard to believe the truth after being influenced by everything else. I think we also believe what we want to believe. I feel like using someone who is known for stealing is a good cover up to steal because he will be blamed for everything and the other person who actually did the crime won't even be questioned. I don't know whether I would think it's the guy who is known to steal though. Even though I mentioned the possibility of someone using him as a cover up, I would probably think it's the guy who is known for stealing anyway. That's exactly the problem, but I agree that we just can't help it.

