Saturday, September 1, 2012

Week of August 27 - September 2: #2

When I was in high school, one of my friends took a class that I previously passed. She had some trouble with a couple of homework questions and knew that I already answered them, so she asked me to find it and share it with her. Because I don't condone copying homework, I said no and did not let her pleading change my response. Even though I had the chance of losing her as a friend, I still stood my ground. I would rather have her learn the material for herself instead of just copying my answers. I want her to succeed in the future, and copying my answers would not help her with that. Instead of just handing her a piece of paper with answers, I offered to help her out by guiding her through any questions. Luckily, she still continued to be my friend because she understood why I would not want to just feed her answers.


  1. Hello A!

    Well I'm glad that you chose not to take the easy way out and just let her copy you. I think that academic integrity is very important. Also, I think that for most people, in order to either be left alone or just be done with it, they would give their work to the other person and risk being put into a bad position of plagiarism and cheating. Overall I didn't quite see which critical thinking skill you used in this ordeal, but I think it was a great choice to keep your work and let your friend learn the material for themselves.

  2. I think that this is something that most of us encounter at one point in our academic lives. I take pride in the work that I do for my classes and letting someone copy almost demeans it. I feel that you were very brave in taking your stance and that you did it for your friend's benefit. Sometimes it's a lot easier to avoid the conflict and simply hand over the piece of paper with a goldmine of answers. I respect that you had your friend's best interest at heart and didn't let her fall into a very slippery slope of plagiarism and cheating and instead offered a helping hand. Good job!


    PS is your "alias" a reference to Pretty Little Liars?
