Saturday, October 6, 2012

Week of October 1 - October 7: #3

I found the section titled "Deception and Lying" very interesting, especially when Boss wrote that "most of us are easily taken in by the lies of others". It is not something that everyone wants to hear; in fact, it's really sad. It's sad to know that people you talk to everyday could be deceiving you with the words they say and you could have no idea. It was interesting to learn that liars will tell stories in chronological order, but truth-tellers will tell stories out of order. I can see how this is true, especially since it is easy to forget little random details when telling a real story. I never knew that liars move and blink less when they're telling a fib because they are trying hard to remember the lies they've told. I think that lying is a big waste of energy and that you should always tell the truth. By lying, you dig yourself a big hole and people will end up never trusting you again.


  1. Great choice! I find this subject to be very interesting as well and I agree that lying is a waste of time. It is sad to know that there are people out there who lie to you all the time, but you just don't know because you didn't think to check for lies. This reminds me of a show about lying called Lie to Me. It's about people who specializes in pointing out when people lie. It is quite interesting because like you said you can tell by facial expressions and body language as well, not just by what they say. It's inevitable that there are liars out there, but I guess now we know some tricks.

  2. I totally agree with you. I had the same reaction after reading this section in our reading. I had always thought that people who were lying would blink an move more because they are nervous. But, it was interesting to read a different view about liars. I honestly think that it depends on the person though. I think that there are those who get nervous and their reaction in to blink and move more, but I also think there are those who suppress their expression when they are lying and can reserve themselves. It is interesting to just be educated about liars and try to channel your discernment and figure people out.

  3. I agree with you here. The lying portion of the reading was very important and interesting, and I believe it is because it is easily relatable by all of us. This was also a great section of reading because it gives us a few tips on how to tell when someone is lying. Like Daisy said, I also agree that these "give aways" depend on the person. Some people are naturally good liars, while others are just horrible at it. Lies always do seem to dig holes deeper, especially if they are bigger lies because the lies will just spread to more people and then when word comes out, everyone becomes mad that you lied to them the whole time. In turn, everyone doesn't trust you anymore.
