Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Week of October 15 - October 21: #1

According to Boss in the Think text, knowledge is information or experience that we believe to be true and for which we have justification or evidence (p. 97). I believe that someone who exhibits wisdom is someone who uses knowledge to critically think and make decisions. Anyone can have knowledge, but the ones with wisdom APPLY knowledge to their lives. In college, I think we acquire knowledge and are taught wisdom. We become wise when we apply the knowledge we learn. However, I think that the information age has just made us more knowledgeable. We learn facts and information, but we no longer put together information to figure out answers for ourselves; we believe that Google can help us in that area. Google helps us apply knowledge, so we don’t have to think at all. This is a scary thing to realize because we should be using the knowledge we learn to critically think for ourselves.


  1. I completely agree with you response. I really like what you said about us acquiring knowledge and being taught wisdom. It is interesting to think that our professors, and really any person we encounter in college, is somehow imprinting us and teaching us wisdom. We take in information from these people and therefore make different decisions based on what we are learning. I think this is how we are taught to discern, therefore are being taught wisdom. You have very relevant ideas about Google as well. I like that you related it to the information age because it feels as though our go to knowledge hub is now Google and not our own brains. I agree with you that it is scary and sad that we rely so heavily on the internet and technology in our everyday lives.

  2. Hi big momma,

    I agree that wisdom is something that is used in making decisions. I think it is like common sense. I also agree that everyone has knowledge. Some people came remember more things than other and I would consider those people to have more knowledge but wisdom is knowing what to do with that knowledge in their heads.
    I agree that the information age has just made us have more knowledge but no more wisdom. We don't figure out a lot of the answers to questions ourselves anymore. Sometimes math teachers would tell me about how they used to figure out these equations without calculators and this generation finds it hard to do that.
