Friday, November 9, 2012

Week of November 5 - November 11: #2

Sadler believes that students should not plagiarize and gives examples to back up her reason why she thinks that it doesn't benefit the student's learning. If ignored, it also shows that it may be okay to cheat your way toward success. I believe that Sadler makes the better argument because she uses valid statements. On the other hand, Hunt thinks that plagiarism can actually help a student learn. Although I can see where he comes from, I don't think that he is looking at the bigger picture. First of all, the person that was plagiarized from probably would not be happy in this situation. It would not be fair to the original writer because they spent time putting in effort to write whatever it may be, compared to the minute it took to copy and paste. Although I don't agree with Hunt, I don't think it's a problem to read someone else's work to get ideas. But to submit work that is not yours? You shouldn't be surprised if you end up receiving a ZERO.

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