Sunday, December 9, 2012

Week of December 3 - December 9: #3

Throughout this semester, I think that the one concept that could be further discussed is group communication. It was pretty hard working with people I've never met or even seen. Just meeting up with them was somewhat difficult; everyone had their schedules planned out and was busy most of the time. I think that one of the things that would have helped us a lot was if we had discussed how to properly act in a group and how to share the decisions we make. Although it may seem as if it's not related to this class, I believe that it is because we will have to work with others in the future. We may be critical thinkers, but critical thinkers do not think alike and have different opinions. I think it would have been nice to discuss the chapter in the O'Hair and Wiemann book titled "What makes a good group?" I found a lot of things helpful in that section.

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